

Articles on Apologetics

“Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude of the people also be; even as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.” Ignatius of Antioch—Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Ch 8

Levity and Gravity

September 1st, 2018|

C.S.Lewis once quipped, “You can always tell the pillars of the church because their faces look like stone.” I can remember the first time in my first parish when I cracked a joke in [...]

Encounters with Angels

August 11th, 2018|

A visit to the local bookstore will reveal a whole shelf of books on angel encounters, angel channelling, and angelology. There’s even a book called The Physics of Angels which tries to blend quirky [...]

Prime Minister Peter

July 31st, 2018|

During the London Olympics it was all eyes on Britain, and the unique relationship between the British monarch and the government makes a great illustration of the foundation of the Catholic faith. In the [...]


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