Fascinated by the Center for Medical Progress weekly Planned Parenthood videos?
Get ready for the sequel of the summer blockbuster: Planned Parenthood: the Victim.
I’ve already spotted these lines in news reports: “It’s Going to be a Long Summer for Planned Parenthood” and “Planned Parenthood Endures a Decade of Harassment” UPDATE: The New York Times has finally reported on the story with an opinion piece which predictably casts Planned Parenthood as the victim: The Campaign of Deception Against Planned Parenthood Jonathan Meritt dissects the prop job here.
No doubt Cecile Richards will change tack from her aggressive denials to playing the victim. I expect we’ll see her before the cameras clutching a hanky and looking wounded and sad. She’ll be flanked by Hillary Clinton looking “concerned” and “determined to do something”. Fellow Margaret Sanger Eugenicist of the Year Award winner Nancy “the devout Catholic” Pelosi will be there arm in arm playing the kindly grandmother who does nothing but care for women.
In keeping with our mania for playing the victim, the press will portray Center for Medical Progress and David Daleiden as big playground bullies who are picking on poor little ole Planned Parenthood. Those who are outraged will not be ordinary American men and women. Instead they will be those mean old, rich white men in Washington: the Republicans.
They’ll play every victim card they can find. This is an attack on women. This is an attack on poor Hispanic and African American women. This is an attack on the poor. This is an attack on health care providers. This is an attack on hard working doctors and nurses who provide women’s health care. This is an attack on women in crisis pregnancies. This is an attack on downtrodden women who somehow or other got themselves pregnant and “Gawrsh! How did that happen?” It will be an attack on victims of rape and incest who need an abortion…. Continue Reading