Fr Christopher blogs here on the latest lunacy from Lambeth. It seems a lady bishop from the The Episcopal Church has accused bishops from the developing world of beating their wives. She assumes this is true because wife beating is part of the culture they come from. Once again we’re in the deliciously ironic situation of African bishops accusing liberal American Episcopalians of racism.
This happened at the last Lambeth conference when one of the American bishops said something to the effect of, “Of course, we know more about human sexuality than the Africans do, and once they are more educated and advanced they will come to agree with us…” The African bishops (many of whom have earned doctorates from Cambridge and Oxford etc) were rightly outraged and accused the Americans of racism.
“Of course, we know more about human sexuality than the Africans do, and once they are more educated and advanced they will come to agree with us…” Alternately the Africans could respond “Of course we are still in touch with the root meanings of human sexuality… We still have children and our baptism outnumber funerals and defections!”So it goes…
I find the comments of the non- bishop quite sinister; does she have links with International Planned Parenthood?
I find the comments of the non- bishop quite sinister; does she have links with International Planned Parenthood?
I don't know if she does, Ms Book but guess who does? None other than that smarmy self-publicising liquidationist wrecker Gene Robinson. Heh heh heh, he would, wouldn't he? He's one of the regular stand up acts at their Prayer Breakfast shows.I find people like Catherine Roskum an absolute scream. I haven't laughed so much since I heard lily white liberals opining that condoms were of such necessity in Africa because, uh, African men couldn't be expected to abstain from sex or stick to one partner. African men and sex – they just can't help themselves you know.I think someone should put it to Roskum that some American liberal Christians, including, I'm sure, herself, think spousal desertion and multiple "remarriages" are acceptable. That's moral relativism for you. Some no doubt hold the view that a little light S&M; between mutually consenting parties in the context of a fulfilling relationship is also perfectly acceptable. Now if she accepts that there are White American couples with such racy tastes, she should also accept or at least admit the possibility that there are African couples who may find the same sort of thing arousing. Thus she could be reassured that her lurid fantasies about big bad African male wifebeaters are misplaced.