

Articles on Apologetics

“Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude of the people also be; even as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.” Ignatius of Antioch—Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Ch 8

Assuming Infallibility

June 11th, 2020|

There’s a scene in Brideshead Re-Visited in which the worldly, but spiritually ignorant Rex Mottram is receiving instruction in the Catholic faith. Father Mowbray recounts how he was unable to explain the dogma of [...]

Real Religion and Nazi Zombies

April 7th, 2020|

What is the difference between real religion and Nazi zombies? It’s the difference between faith and an ideology. Here’s a clue: in The Imitation of Christ Thomas a Kempis wrote, “Why do you wish to change [...]

The Centrality of Sacrifice

February 15th, 2020|

Watching Mel Gibson’s movie Apocolypto is not for the fainthearted or squeamish. Set among the Mayans in the sixteenth century, the film portrays their customs of human sacrifice with unsparing realism. Heads roll, blood [...]


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