Pornographer and champion of filth (whoops, I was meant to say free speech wasn’t I?) Larry Flynt has filmed a sick dirty movie with a Sarah Palin lookalike as star.
Doubtless this will be received by the liberal press with mild approbation if any disapproval at all.
But let’s imagine a right wing film maker shot a rap, porn music video with a Barack Obama lookalike wearing rapper gear, lots of bling, toting a gun and talking dirty.
Just imagine the howls of outrage.
shameful as either scenario is I’ve learned the terrible truth that according to “rule 34” of the internet if it exists on the internet, someone will make porn of it. Be careful what you wish for fr Longnecker.
although at this time I must invoke the provision under rule 34 that states one should not be too specific. to this date i do not know of any porn producers that have any right wing tendencies in the least.
Fr. L,Of course you’re right that left leaning feminists should kick up a horrific fuss, even if they are somewhat legitimately disappointed that Sara Palin isn’t exactly a Margaret Thatcher.But do keep in mind that all publicity is good publicity for Mr. Flynt. I am now tempted to google the video out of curiosity, if not because fantasies involving attractive governors with Tina Fey glasses are somewhat intriguing.But I won’t.
Just a little something to cheer you up:
Fr., Sorry for the change in subject, but I thought you would be interested in this post: the argument is that the catholic positive of McCain’s supreme court nomination is overwhelmed by all the negatives of torture, unjust war, et cetera. Same thing I’ve been saying except said better, by a catholic lawyer. Like to hear what you think.
If I may chime in a bit, Obama’s plan for reducing abortions is in part supposed to succeed by helping to raise the overall economic status of the middle class. there is nothing wrong with this concept, and indeed its an admirable thing to put on your stump speech, but I have my doubts if Obama has the goods to see it through. It should be noted that some of Obama’s economic advisers are former high level executives from Fannie mae, the same people who helped get us into this finacial mess in the first place. At least 2 former CEOs and a former CFO are on Obama’s economic advisory board, they served durring the times when fannie mae was under investigation for cooking the books.
…reducing abortions by raising the overall economic standing of the middle class?Abortion is a huge money maker and as such the Planned “death”hood group will lobby hard to make sure that their finances remain the same. Oh for twenty minutes with Obama and his ilk to talk to them about the abortion issue …
Fr. Let’s face facts. For the most part porn is a male activity, unless you cont harlequins (but that is another discussion). Ask yourself, how many people would want to watch a porno starring a John McCain, GWB, or Obama stand in? Now ask yourself, how many for say Sarah Palin and Anne Coulter? OK, I know Coulter is getting a little older but let’s face it. A Palin/Coulter porno is just way more intriguing. The fact that they are conservative makes it extra naughty. Now, I’m not making excuses for the left wing feminists. Gender-feminist rganizations like NOW have been anti woman for a long time, whereas Naomi Wolf and others are a bit more pro-woman, IMHO. But tehre is a commonsense, business factor that comes into play. Flynt didn’t get rich by producing boring porno for political purposes. He got rich with interesting porno that also angered people politically. And everytime he was denounced from the pulpit, or a blog-pulpit, it has given him free publicity and stirred up interest.But I have still not googled it! A fact I’m proud of.
oh don’t get me wrong chimakuni, in no way am I endorsing obama, I just say that his plan looks good on paper. lots of things look good on paper until reality (and our fallen human natures) enters the picture. I for one would rather not continue on the subject of whether a certain kind of porn exists or not. I would breifly say whatever it is, it exists, don’t go looking for it. as Nietzche once famously said“Battle not with monsters, lest you become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss. also gazes into you.”(Hey even Nietzche can get something right once in a while)
What is wrong with just sticking to the topics that are making our country very weak right now. A once proud country that now goes to dirt on both sides. I am a little irate at you for even suggesting a video like this against Obama and giving 15seconds of fame to the one on Sarah.
The goose and the gander definitely do not share the same sauce anymore.