Theology and Bible Study

Theology and Bible Study2018-08-13T15:33:57-04:00

Theology and Bible Study Articles

“The person who thirsts for God eagerly studies and meditates on the inspired Word, knowing that there, he is certain to find the One for whom he thirsts.” St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Read, Mark and Learn – Day 14

March 24th, 2014|

Are you still with us? I'm finding it a little bit difficult with my busy schedule to keep up to my daily commitment of reading Mark's gospel during Lent and providing the Blobble study [...]

Read, Mark and Learn – Day 13

March 21st, 2014|

We continue chapter five with another longer, more detailed story. We began in chapter one with an introduction to Jesus' ministry in Galilee. The stories were short and sharp. Almost as if they were [...]

Read, Mark and Learn – Day 12

March 20th, 2014|

In chapter five suddenly we are given longer, more detailed stories about Jesus. Having established who Jesus is, Mark now show his continued work in the world. Remember if you are just joining us, [...]

Read, Mark and Learn – Day 11

March 19th, 2014|

Welcome to Day 11 of our Blobble Study of Mark's gospel. I am very much enjoying my re-reading of Marks' gospel and hope you appreciate the comments and reflections. Just a short passage for [...]

Read, Mark and Learn- Day 10

March 18th, 2014|

Yesterday's post explained why Jesus taught in parables. Today's reading goes on to recount three of Our Lord's simple parables, which help to further explain why Jesus uses parables to teach. The parables also [...]

Read, Mark and Learn – Day 9

March 17th, 2014|

Today's reading contains one of the most mysterious and difficult to understand passages in all of Scripture. I hope you are enjoying the Blobble Study so far and that you are being drawn to [...]


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