Have I recommended this new blog? A young Evangelical searching for the Truth of the historic faith. I wish he’d get hold of a couple of my books and read them and recommend them to others. I can’t seem to get hold of him by email. Maybe he’ll read this and be in touch…
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Hi, i just surfed in searching for interesting blogs on Spirituality, you have a cool blog. Do keep up the good work. I’ll be back even though i live far from where you live. its nice to be able to see what people from across the world thinks.Warm Regards from the Other Side of the Moon.On a related note perhaps you might find the following link interesting. Its propossing a theory and i’ll like to hear your take on the subject via comments. See ya…Was Jesus an Essenes ?BibbyKerala, India
I would be interested in your reaction to this posting from the Internet MonkIt strikes me that being a Protestant must be exhausting.