Check out this article from the UK’s Daily Telegraph. Late term abortions in Britain (even up to 24 weeks and later) are being carried out on children with deformities no worse than a club foot or a cleft palate.
This is bad enough, but it has emerged that the government and department of health have been suppressing the statistics on these abortions, and when challenged over the secrecy, have taken the protesters to court and used heavy handed legal tactics designed to foil terrorists to keep the pro life campaigners from attending the sessions of the hearings.
Oh yes, we’re all about choice! Except when you choose to protest police state tactics to suppress and harass those who fight for life.
What — 24 weeks??? That’s six months!Although I am firmly against abortion at any stage, I do have a lot of sympathy for the position that it is all right in the first trimester. I used to think that myself, and it was because (in part) I didn’t think that a baby at that stage was “really” a baby. I do now, but I understand people who think that. But six months???? That’s disgusting.And of course, abortions for such trivial reasons are awful. But I used to know a woman from South or Central America whose daughter was born with a cleft lip. Everyone here said, “Oh, it’s nothing! That can be fixed right away!” She was devastated. She told me that where she grew up, a cleft lip, cleft palette, or club foot would have been considered a disaster — whether or not it was surgically corrected. She said that she loved her daughter (who was indeed operated on very quickly) and that she was trying to think of her as “okay,” but she was having a difficult time. Many people experience a very strong human revulsion from a deformed baby, and we can’t just expect all parents to rise to the occasion without help.