The Path to Rome – Modern Journeys to the Catholic Church was my first book.
It is a collection of mostly Anglican conversion stories which was put together just after the Church of England’s decision to ordain women. The majority of the contributors are former Anglican clergy. Graham Leonard, the former Anglican Bishop of London is features as is Newman biographer, Fr Ian Ker, myself, Cyprian Blamires and others.
You can purchase a copy from my website here, or you can drop me an email. As I mentioned earlier, any bona fide Anglican priest who would like a free copy only has to ask.
Dear Father,In seeking to understand some terms, what exactly does “Anglo Catholic” mean as opposed to “Anglican”?
WIthin Anglicanism there are sub groups. Evangelials are Protestant in practice and theology. Anglo Catholics are ‘Catholic’ in practice and theology. Liberals are liberal in practice and theology.
I assume then though that because they are ‘Catholic’ that they are not truly in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, correct?
The testimonies are really compelling and will further convict any cradle Catholic. I read it in a whole return journey to London-(when we tried to establish a Catholic UK Radio Station ?) It is really good, and easily digestible. I have five new copies (UK)if anyone wants one – free.
I am a cradle Roman Catholic who discovered your blog a few days ago. I’ve become an avid reader. I may not comment much, but I’m always going to be around. My prayers are with you all. Annie
Hey Fr! You signed mine in England! Can’t say I’ve read it yet! Woops..I remember Ian Ker & Mons Leonard too..
I read this a few years ago & can especially recommend it to Americans because the stories are not the sort that we encounter when Americans swim the Tiber.Oddly enough, a couple of years after reading the book, by some weird chance the Author wound up being ordained at my parish church.
Are you considering compiling another volume, Father, again focused on England? I think that might be really helpful, because nearly ten years have now passed since the book was published.
A new edition of PTR is in the works. It will be edited by my friend and former colleague Cyprian Blamires.
I can really recommend this book. the stories and theology are very compelling. Graham Leonard sponsored me for anglican ordination in the 1970s and he had a keen following among West london Anglo Catholics( he a was bishop of Willesden). I had a pub lunch with Cyprian Blamires last summer. The last 16 years have been a terrible trauma- for those of us who hung on. I like to think I did so for personal reasons. I did not want to hurt my mother but she died earlier this year. I actually wanted to become a catholic when i was 15. This was vetoed and the rest is history….