Catholicism Pure and Simple

Catholicism Pure and Simple


(1 customer review)

“Father Dwight Longenecker does for Catholicism what C. S. Lewis did for “mere Christianity”. Those looking for the way home by taking the path to Rome will find this book an excellent and reliable guide for the journey.” —

— Joseph Pearce–author of C.S.Lewis and the Catholic Church

“Convert Father Dwight makes a powerfully “pure and simple” presentation of the Catholic faith. From fundamentalist Protestant to Anglican to Catholic; from America to England and back again; he asked difficult questions, and in this fine text, he successfully presents the answers that helped him make his journey home.”


— Marcus Grodi, host EWTN’s Journey’s Home, author How Firm a Foundation and Pillar and Bulwark

Available in hard copy for $15.95 or as an e-book. Price $7.99. For e-book go here.


Catholicism Pure and Simple begins with arguments for the existence of God and moves through the story of Jesus Christ, nurse explains the work of the Holy Spirit and moves on to discuss the church, order sacraments prayer and the Catholic life.

Catholicism Pure and Simple is written in a straightforward style without complicated theological references, liturgical terms or high brow cultural or historical terminology. Excellent as a text book for confirmation candidates, RCIA members and all those searching for a beginners understanding of the Catholic faith.

Available in hard copy for $18.95 or as an e-book. Price $7.99. For e-book go here.



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