Whew! hate mail from last week’s drama at St Mary’s is still trickling in. I am finding it very hard to remain polite, much less charitable. Pray for me please!
There are some emails that are right from the pit. They spit with rage and fury. They are riddled with the worst profanity and blaspheme against the Church, the Holy Father and the Blessed Virgin. Horrible stuff. I delete them with a prayer for protection and deliverance for the person who wrote.
The ones I have least patience with are the self righteous former Catholics who write telling me loftily that “It is people like Fr Newman who have caused me to leave the church.” What is that all? You mean you gave up the chance of everlasting salvation because you disagreed with a priest? What I find annoying is the immaturity of their statement. It’s like, (stamped foot) “There now, if I can’t go first I’m going to go home and not play at your house anymore!”
I’m afraid I have answered one or two a bit sharply, telling one soul that controversies like this are often for the best because they sort out who wants to be Catholic and not. Informing her that for every letter like hers we’ve had plenty from people who support Fr Newman and say they admire a Catholic who sticks to his guns and others who say they’ve only stayed Catholic or they’ve even converted to the faith because of priests who have the guts to preach the gospel.
The image of the winnowing fan comes to mind, and the chaff which the wind blows away.
I had a Catholic friend speak to this very point this past ekend. Basically she said if the Church ever tried to tell HER how to vote, she would think about leaving the Church. I am heartsick about this unexpected attitude. As a lapsed Catholic who found her way home, I am appalled by the number of “good” Catholics I know who think nothing of picking and choosing what they are going to believe. On the flipside of the discussion, the director of youth ministries for the diocese of ________ quit his job recently because so many of the priests in the diocese were not in unity with their Bishop and refused to read a letter from the pulpit regarding Prop. 8. (Yes, I am in California).Good bless you.Annie
I am sorry you two are receiving hate mail but you really did embarrass the church and you do deserve the censure you received from your administrator.I simply do not see the clear difference in conscience between these two candidates your call from the pulpit implies. If McCain had been anti-unjust-war, stuck with his guns on the torture issue, et cetera, maybe see I could see it.It’s a pity more conservatives didn’t pipe up more loudly against torture and unjust war. Then you wouldn’t have had candidates like Ron Paul practically laughed off the stage. And then maybe you would have a pro-life president right now.Pro-war, pro-waterboarding conservatives are responsible for this election through and through. Why blame the horrified masses? In many ways they were following their conscience just as they should have been.
Marcus, sometimes I think you do it on purpose. You really don’t seem to get it do you? We don’t mind getting the hate mail. We remember, “Woe to you when every man speaks well of you.”What does hate mail prove? Does it ever prove anything against the person to whom it is written? Of course not. It only shows the author to be a sad, angry and often imbalanced person. Decent, sane people don’t write hate mail.As for those who indignantly stomp off and say they have left the church–my post explains it.The wind drives the chaff away.The majority of emails are encouraging and saying, “We wish our priests spoke up like this!”
Oh, yes, you and Fr. Newman definitely have been in our, our adult childrens’, and our friends’ prayers since last Thursday! Rosaries, Divine Mercies, Mass Intentions, etc. have been said.It must be horrifying to read the demented, hellacious hatred. But it must be heartening to read and hear the support. We hear it is running 9 to 1 positive in your Parish, despite the MSM bias and lack of support from the Chancery… Surely by now you have seen this: “Bishop Emeritus Rene Henry Gracida of Corpus Christi, TX, told LifeSiteNews.com (LSN) his reaction to Fr. Newman’s letter ‘is one of admiration and awe. I find nothing in what he has written that is at variance with the Magisterium of the Church. He is to be congratulated.” ‘Be not afraid, good priest, you’re keeping very Good Company! Just continue in the work He has given you until you hear Him say: “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into your just reward!” We love and support you.
Oh, and Marcus, you need to get a life.
Marcus, if you think an unjust war (which is not Magisterial teaching, by the way) even amounts to much more than a drop in the bucket compared to abortion, you are deluded indeed.Abortion kills 1,000,000+ per year. The Iraq war has not killed anywhere near 1,000,000 people TOTAL. Subtract the (unknown) number that Saddam would have killed, and you’re left with a number that is roughly two orders of magnitude higher for abortion. The Church has made quite clear (try reading Evangelium Vitae) that any society allowing abortion lacks any solid foundation. It has not used such language about war, or any other issue.
You should be jumping for joy! You’re in good company!Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Mt 5:10-12)
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Way to go Father. Keep up the great work.
“. . . controversies like this are often for the best because they sort out who wants to be Catholic and not.”This is a debate that needs to be had and the election of an aggressively pro-abortion candidate to the highest office in the land should be enough to bring it to the fore.Thirty-five years of legalized abortion in the United States and a majority of self-described Catholics support the pro-abortion candidate? What are the bishops, the princes of Christ’s Church, to say for themselves? The bishops are not politicians. They are the successors to the apostles. Thank Christ that some of them (and some of their priests) are starting to act like it.
Temper tantrums are silly and hate mail is a waste of time for everyone concerned. There is however stout and supported reason for objection to Fr. Newman’s comments — as we have all discussed at length in posts below. I think all sincere and conscientious Christians, be they Catholic or not, ask what Jesus would do. I’m sure Fr. Newman does that. I’m sure the administrator of your diocese does too. I’ve no doubt you do also, Fr. Longenecker. So do many of us out here in Internetland. We don’t know you personally (as you noted in another post), so we must base responses here in this blog on what you write, mustn’t we? And sometimes, we disagree. So be it. May God protect and show us all the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I’ll be praying for our newly-elected president. I didn’t vote for him, but I hope he will be led to do the right things. God is his God too, just as He is each of ours.
Father, you and Fr. Newman are an inspiration to us all and we are praying for you both.Quoting Winston Churchill “You have enemies? Good. That means that you stood up for something, sometime.”May the Holy Spirit continue to guide your heart, tongue and pen and may St. Michael defend you!St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou O prince of the Heavenly hosts, by the power of the Most High, thrust into Hell Satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Marcus, in your comment on another post you said: “I am really, really, really conservative. You have no idea how conservative I am.”Well, I think I do know. One of my friends, a “salt-of-the-earth” Catholic (the kind priests love to have volunteering) is married to a really, really conservative man such as yourself who is still sporting a Ron Paul bumper sticker alongside the “Get us out of the U.N. now!” sticker. He also belongs to the local John Birch Society. The only email he will send is from this group. He is a fairly mild-mannered Christian fellow until anything hinting at politics comes up in conversation. His Jekyll persona then turns to Hyde and he is positively apoplectic at times. I seriously worry that He will die before retirement age in 4 years not knowing what Jesus came to earth to teach: salvation is not to be found in anyone but Him. Neither Government/politics nor even Ron Paul (although we surely would have voted for him if he had remained more viable) will save you. But if we cooperate with intrinsic evil as defined by the teaching authority of His Church, we are truly lost. There are many evils in our world, but the greatest is killing our own children. In this country, we do it approximately 3,500 times a day. In my city alone, we average 4,000 deaths a year. God help us. Blessings
God love you and Father Newman and so do I!
What’s with all you people who think unjust war isn’t a magisterial teaching? Have you read your catechism? why do you think it is ‘just a matter of opinion’? It’s not OK to pre-emptively invade Iraq, or Poland. Fr, if you want to pretend that your politics are what Christ was talking about when he said the world would reject those who are like him I think you are deluding yourself. Christ would not spew nonsense about how Obama is like Herod, a man who purposely put toddlers to the sword. He is a man who is in grave error regarding the sanctity of embryos. There is a distinct and important difference that your scribblings, and apparently your conscience, ignore.I essence, your screed comparing Obama to Herod is in fact, hatemail.
Marcus, by all means be opposed to this war, and many of us are with you on that, but you really shouldn’t try to lessen Obama’s pro abortion record with the euphemism, “grave error regarding the sanctity of embryos.’This is a man who is in favor of partial birth abortion, voted four times to deny treatment to children who survived botched abortions, is against federal funding for women in crisis pregnancies, is against health care for women who wish to keep their babies, and is in favor of all restrictions on abortion being lifted–allowing free abortion up to birth and allowing abortion for teens without parental consent.Don’t whitewash this evil or you are in danger of participating in it even more. Be clear. A person who voted for Obama voted for everything in the paragraph above.If you voted for Obama, then already, with full knowledge you have participated in this evil, and on this blog you continue to try to justify your action.As a priest I recommend repentance–not justifying your actions.
Father Longenecker,May God continue to bless you! I think it was Mother Theresa that said “If the world thinks you are crazy, consider it a compliment”. Orthodox Catholicism follows this logic. Sadly, one that would espouse the blog name of Marcus Aurelius, a pagan Roman emporer which one could consider was invovled in unjust war by trying to keep conquered land, would attempt to lecture the faithful. I am glad that Jesus Christ is my Saviour and that I receive His teachings through His Bride, the Church.Peace, Graubo
I would have to offer this as well:”If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” John 15:18-19
Father,Haven’t those of us who’ve voted for McCain ALSO engaged in remote material cooperation with evil due to his (at best) wishy washy stance on ESCR?Obviously, McCain voters have an easier time giving proportionate reasons for voting for him, as opposed to the ethical contortions necessary to try to justify a vote for Obama, but given that someone could fool themselves into thinking they have proportionate reason to do so in good conscience (enabled by misinformation, weak catechesis, and other things) can we, in truth, declare that every Catholic who voted Obama sinned?Or is this just something that ought to be worked out between penitent and confessor for all of us who cooperated with evil in this election?(and do you think most confessors know these distinctions??)God bless you and your work,Chris M.
Father,”If you voted for Obama, then already, with full knowledge you have participated in this evil, and on this blog you continue to try to justify your action.”It isn’t just Obama. Why not go whole hog with your position instead of applying it only to one man? Demand that anyone who ever voted for any politician who ever supported anyting pro-abortion do the same. I’m mentioned this elsewhere, but, unless I missed it, I don’t believe you addressed that. All these decades many politicians have supported anti-life measures. Biden, Pelosi, Kennedy, etc. are all complicit.
“Demand that anyone who ever voted for any politician who ever supported anyting pro-abortion do the same. … “Biden, Pelosi, Kennedy, etc. are all complicit.”Kirstin, I couldn’t agree more. There is one added feature with our president-elect, that being:1. that he voted for infanticide four separate times (refusing medical treatment for babies born alive as a result of botched abortions), and 2. has promised Planned Parenthood that one of the first things he’ll do as President is sign into law FOCA. This takes his record to a horrifying new level.Thanks and blessings
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I appreciate the courage that you and Father Newman have shown in standing up against abortion friendly politicians. I just wish that more priests and bishops were as faithful to Catholic teaching as you have been. Godspeed,Kaye
Father,You wrote that Barack Obama “is against health care for women who wish to keep their babies.” On what exactly are you basing this claim?You might be interested in this line from the 2008 Dem party platform: “The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre and post natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.” Arguably, that’s much more support for a woman’s decision to carry a child to term than you ever got from the Reagan, Bush 41, or Bush 43 administrations. (I seem to recall the Reagan administration wanting to reduce or eliminate WIC, the Women Infants Children nutrition program.)Father, what did Obama do or say, specifically, that makes you think he is “against health care” for women who choose to give birth?
my comment was based on the article by Robert George which said Obama opposed the legislation (that his own party is for) which would help women in crisis pregnancies.Unfortunately the Witherspoon Institute have now removed Prof George’s article.
Father, I googled the Robert George article and found a cached copy of it. (I’m assuming it’s the “Obama’s Abortion Extremism” piece.) I noticed that while George does include hyperlinks to some sources that supposedly back his claim, he offers no source for his claim that Obama opposed key provisions of the S-CHIP legislation that would have provided health care for unborn children. (But doesn’t Sen. Obama support health care coverage for a wide swath of Americans who are currently uninsured? Seems to me that the mother — including an expectant mother — would most certainly be covered under his best-case health care plan, if he is able to get it enacted. There’s a far greater likelihood of that coverage reaching the mother, and her unborn child, under Obama’s health plan than the plans offered by Republicans.) George also seems to condemn Obama for not being generous enough with S-CHIP coverage. Ironic, in light of the fact that George W. Bush vetoed an expansion of S-CHIP coverage this past year, and many Republicans in Congress sustained his veto. My hunch is that Obama generally favors expanded S-CHIP coverage as well as better health care coverage for all women, pregnant or not. I wish Obama were better on abortion, no doubt about it. But I also wish that many Republicans (you know: those candidates for whom we can vote without having to go to confession afterwards) were not so inclined to pretend that children and their economic and nutritional and health care needs all magically went away once they’re born. Protect human life before it leaves the womb, yes, and nurture it — and yes, support this human being economically when necessary (without whining about how that makes us all socialists) post-womb. Really. Is that asking so much?
Steve, why do you imagine that if a person is pro life he is necessarily voting Republican enthusiastically and is in favor of every decision of George Bush and McCain? I also wish that America had better health coverage–especially for women in crisis pregnancies, but voting for a pro abortion candidate still makes the abortion problem worse–no matter how good the health care gets.I believe the solution is for the government to assist NGOs to continue to provide excellent care and creative abortion options for women in crisis pregnancies. Not some big health care system, but grants for local charities and hospitals and pro life groups to provide health care, child care, adoption options, neo natal care etc.
Father,I thank you, Fr. Newman and others like you who courageously step out on to the road of martyrdom (martyrdom happens even without bloodshed) for the sake of saving souls with sound teaching. You are an answer to our prayers for the Church and our nation. May God protect you, guide you and embolden you. May God have mercy on those who seek to silence you especially those who would willingly do it violently. May their conversion be sudden and complete like Saul’s. I am shocked to see how many in the Body of Christ have allowed their hearts to become hard as stone. Increase our faith, Lord, and open our eyes. I thank and praise God for His gift to us that is Fr. Newman. May He gift us with hundreds more like him.
Fr.,Not everyone who does something inappropriate and gets negative feedback for it is a martyr for Christ. I agree with you that Obama’s votes on abortion sound downright yucky, though a lot of people strongly contest articles like those by George. They say that Obama abstained and voted against some of those bills because of riders and pork and that sort of thing. I don’t know the details. I only know that writers like George seem to be a minority and that vast majority of other writers seem to have the balance of evidence on their side – their articles don’t get taken down.I agree with you that Obama has a reprehensible stance on abortion. But I think he has little power over abortion. As a small business owner I struggle to insure a couple of people. Blue Cross defines our risk pool by our business rather than by their customer base. something like 30% of my payroll is going to healthcare costs. It’s outrageous. Doesn’t the care of those adults and their children factor in to the Life stance of a candidate?And as we’ve been debating, doesn’t the unjust war stance of a candidate also factor into the Life position? Yes we need to care for the whole flock of sheep, but the one lost in the thickets, that bomb-killed Assyrian child in Iraq, they matter too.I simply don’t see some cut and dry case where it was John McCain vs. Herod/Hitler. I see two flawed candidates, one of whom came out of a very corrupted GOP. One of whom was involved in a financial scandal just prior to the Wall Street melt down. There was just now way on God’s green earth McCain would have won without a miracle. And since the almighty didn’t grace us with a miracle perhaps it is his will that Obama won.
More likely is that God does as He so often does, and lets us have what we ask for, even when it is the worst choice, be it Saul or Obama.