So now, my brothers, let us sing, not to enjoy a lifetime of leisure, but to ease our toil.
In the way that travellers are in the habit of singing, sing, but continue your journey. What does it mean, “continue your journey”?
Fare forward always – but fare forward in goodness, for there are, according to the Apostle, some people who go ever onward from bad to worse.
If you fare forward, you are making progress, but always go forward in goodness, forward in the right faith, forward in good habits and behavior.
Sing, and fare forward. — St Augustine
“Fare forward voyagers” — T.S.Eliot
“Further up and further in!” — C.S.Lewis
Faring (fareing?) forward here . . . in the right faith. Singing (even if a bit off key – those around me can offer up their suffering for my lack of talent) and delighted by this lovely post.I love advent!!!!Blessings Father.
I like how Pope Benedict XVI puts it in his First Sermon of What It Means to Be a Christian: “… the reality of an enduring Advent. … [T]he borderline between ‘before Christ’ and ‘after Christ’ does not run through historical time, … it runs through our own hearts. Insofar as we are living on a basis of selfishness, or egoism, then even today we are ‘before Christ’. But in this time of Advent, let us ask the Lord to grant that we may live less and less ‘before Christ’, and certainly not ‘after Christ’, but truly with Christ and in Christ: with him who is indeed Christ yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13.8). Amen.”