I love the fact that the Catholic Church is both universal and local, and you can see both. The HQ is there in Rome at exactly the place where St Peter was crucified upside down and buried, and just a short distance from St Paul’s burial place. It is there down through history, solid and secure, but it is also down the road at St. Agatha’s. It’s in the little thatched hut in Africa, the medieval cathedral, and the American church that looks like a parking garage.
Yes, its a messy jumble of human frailty, liturgical abuses, glorious strengths and embarrassing weaknesses, but it is just as full of blood and guts and glory and shame as the Old Testament. All of human life is there, not only from the last two thousand years, but also stretching back to the history of God’s people the Jews. Furthermore, all of this shame and glory and sin and forgiveness and humanity and divinity is all bundled up and made particular as I enter the confessional and step up to the altar at Mass.
All of it is there, from the martyrs who faced the wild beasts to the priests who said Mass over a scrap of dry bread and a thimbleful of wine huddled in a corner at Auschwitz. It is all there from the greatest baroque churches and the saints of the counter Reformation to the old Italian lady with no teeth who clutches her rosary beads in prayer. It is at once universal and ancient and everywhere and yet here and now and everywhere present.
Gotta love your exhilaration, Father …and it’s catchy! Perhaps coming from the rarified air of your previous denomination, you feel that you can breathe deeply now? And just think, Gentle Readers, this guy started at BJU ! Amazing Grace! Amazing(Sanctifying) Grace! Instead of wrestling around trying to get the charcoal in the thuriber to ignite, he’d a been wrasslin’ rattlesnakes under some revival tent in the Ozarks!
I feel the same way. I recently “reverted” and crossed the Tiber just a couple of days ago. I still have some issues on Catholic Dogma to “wrastle” with, but at least I can do it in an atmosphere of knowing the Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist are there, plus the awesome treasures of Catholic Spirituality are available.
I love your writing in these posts, Father! It is both refreshing and inspiring.
Thanks for putting into words what I feel but could never say as succinctly.
Ummmm…what about the Orthodox?
Judge I’m not othodox so can’t write about what I don’t know
Obituaries, Funerals, Cemeteries! Visiting these make me glad I’m Catholic. Has all of mainstream Protestant America given up faith in eternal life, or the resurrection of the body?Look how depressing a prod or non-sectarian cemetery is (think allegorical mourning figures leaning on urns). In a Catholic cemetery you’ll find a crucifix to remind us that he died, was buried, AND THEN ROSE!…so we could all live eternally. Whether its a tridentine requiem, or an N.O. Resurrection Mass, whether we’ve been pickled and placed in a long box, or shake-n-baked and placed in a lil’bitty box—the message comes thru loud and clear—WE STILL LIVE!I’m so glad I’m Catholic.