Here is the great irony: the people who dismantled traditional Christianity by the democratic process are now dismantling the democratic process.  In other words the tyranny of the ballot box is being replaced by just plain tyranny.

This article analyzes what is happening with the ruling ranks of the Episcopal Church of the USA. The presiding bishop–Kate Schori–sues breakaway churches and dioceses. She refuses to say how much the legal action costs. She presents her own budget to the church ending years of the budget being drafted, amended and controlled by the laity. She and her cronies have pushed through a radical re working of how the Episcopal church is governed–moving from an elected governing body of three houses to a unicameral body in which Schori’s administrative team will design and govern the agenda.

In other words, from those who criticize the Catholic Church for being overly clericalized and authoritarian–from those who trumpet that they are doing the will of the people and that majority rules–we get the most authoritarian and draconian kind of governance.

The article exposes the plummeting numbers in the Episcopal church, the downwardly spiraling finances while observing that the folks are re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic by approving funeral rites for dogs and cats, wedding ceremonies for homosexual couples, apologizing to Native Americans for evangelizing them and opening the way for transgendered people to be ordained.

Just sayin’