Theology and Bible Study Articles
“The person who thirsts for God eagerly studies and meditates on the inspired Word, knowing that there, he is certain to find the One for whom he thirsts.” St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Difficulties with Adam and Eve
Lucas Cranach the Elder - Adam and Eve One of the interesting things about conducing a parish mission is how many people stay behind to ask really probing questions. Last evening here [...]
Pentecost – Wind, Fire and Witness
Remembering that the New Testament is hidden in the old and the old is made manifest in the New, yesterday's feast provides three powerful images from the past that converge at Pentecost: Wind, Fire [...]
Thomas Aquinas the the Flying Nun
In a nearby convent there was a nun who had taken to levitating during mystical prayer. The people were, of course, stupefied by this astounding miracle and were flocking to see the flying [...]
Revolution and Revelation
A spirited conversation has been going on in the combox about the existence of God. I said here that God does not exist--and went on to say, at least he does not exist as [...]
Hypocritical Hypercritical Critics
Remember the old joke about the man who says to the priest, "I never go to your church Father. The place is full of hypocrites!" Priest answers, "Well come along anyway. We can always [...]
Lions, Little Children and Tiber Swims
Click to enlarge Did you know that Ignatius of Antioch was not only appointed to the see of Antioch by Peter himself, but tradition has it that he was one of the [...]