
About Dwight Longenecker

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So far Dwight Longenecker has created 1874 blog entries.

Finding Peace of Mind in Troubled Times

2024-08-08T09:11:21-04:00August 8th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

If you're like me you look at the news today and remembering the events of the last five years, you wonder what next? Wars and rumors of wars, race riots, political instability, a pandemic, religious uncertainty, the disintegration of marriage, skyrocketing levels of addiction, suicide, abortion--broken families, broken hearts, broken lives... If you spend too much [...]

A Glimpse of Transfiguration at Mass

2024-08-06T10:35:59-04:00August 6th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

The Feast of the Transfiguration is all about seeing things as they really are. Some time ago as I was saying Mass it seemed to me that there was, beneath the altar, another whole realm of being. This other realm was connected to this visible realm in more complex and beautiful patterns than I could ever [...]

The Rise of the Post-Christian CryBaby Bully

2024-08-03T11:30:13-04:00August 3rd, 2024|Categories: Blog|

With the rise of Christianity a new perspective entered human history: the triumph of the victim. Previously if you were a slave, if you were poor, if you were disabled, if you were strange, if you were an alien in the land, if you were an outcast you were considered to have got what you deserved. [...]

The Problem of Protestant Anti-Catholicism

2024-08-19T13:02:18-04:00August 1st, 2024|Categories: Blog|

I think it was Fulton Sheen who said something like "There are not a hundred Americans who hate Catholics, but there are thousands of Americans who hate what they think the Catholic Church is." It expresses in a nutshell the problem of anti-Catholicism not only among the general population, but also amongst our non Catholic, Protestant [...]

Mission and Ministry

2024-07-27T10:01:17-04:00July 27th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

One of the Catholic buzzwords at the moment seems to be "Mission". So this recent quote is typical: "Synodality is essentially missionary and vice versa mission is always synodal." Apart from the incomprehensible English usage ("missionary" is a noun not an adjective. "Missional" is the word they were looking for) Anyway, in the usual word salad [...]

Confession and Counselling

2024-07-26T14:18:56-04:00July 26th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

The other day on social media a Catholic grumbled about his experience at confession. The priest launched into a long lecture which was a mixture of personal advice, psychobabble and pop theology. The penitent was impatient at this and resented having to sit and listen to father's ruminations. I sympathize and certainly in my years as [...]

James’ Mother and American Messiahs

2024-07-25T11:06:55-04:00July 25th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

In today's gospel the mother of St James and St John cheekily asks Jesus for a couple of prime seats in his cabinet for her boys. He corrects her asking if they can share in his chalice of suffering. The embarrassing event of James' mother reminds me of all social climbing, ambitious, manipulative people. In this [...]

Horizontal or Vertical Religion?

2024-07-11T12:21:08-04:00July 5th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

I'm blogging from Boystown near Guadalajara Mexico --which is one of the charity boarding schools for poor kids founded by the American priest Ven. Al Schwartz. The school educates 2000 teen aged boys from the poorest families in the area. This morning I attended early Mass with the Sisters of Mary--the religious order established by Schwartz. [...]

Going for Baroque in Mexico City

2024-07-02T23:39:38-04:00July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Today we had a tour of Mexico City--I'm afraid I pre-judged it by the junky jumble around the airport. The downtown area is much like a modern Italian or French city...a cathedral, a cathedral square (apparently the third largest after Tiananmen Square in China and Red Square in Moscow.) Little cafes, posh shops and crowds of [...]

God Connects the Dots

2024-07-11T12:15:14-04:00July 1st, 2024|Categories: Blog|

God connects the dots and we should always listen carefully to opportunities that arise or invitations that are offered. So last Autumn I was invited to take part in a Writer's and Artist's Retreat in San Francisco to take place in June. I hesitated because, after my stroke a few years ago, I'm slowing down. I [...]


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