Articles on Culture and Politics
“A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!” Pope Francis
Catholics and Anglicans Together?
When Archbishop Geoffrey Fisher returned from his historic visit to Pope John XXIII in 1960 he reported that the Holy Father asked him when the Anglicans would come back to the Catholic Church. Fisher [...]
Jesus or Religion
Some time ago a video of a cool young guy reciting a poem went viral on the internet. In the video he explained why he “hates religion” and “loves Jesus”. His rant against institutional [...]
Conversion or Conquest
Radical Islamists seem intent on conquest. It has always been so. From the beginning and down the ages, radical jihadists have attempted to convert people to their religion by force. “”Convert” they cry “or [...]
Catholic Women Priests: Can There Be a Discussion?
Eleven years ago Christine Mayr Lumetzberger was excommunicated because she attempted to be ordained as a Catholic priest. A mischievous and misleading article by British journalist Peter Stanford entitled Meet the Female Priest Defying [...]
The Bucolic Appeal of the Country Parson
They used to tell American boys that they could do anything if they put their mind to it. You could be an astronaut or a big league ball player. You could be president of [...]
Ugly Americans: The United States in the Eyes of Europe
On my first visit to England as a fresh-faced 18 year old, I had a flare up with an English war veteran. I had been brought up in a conservative, moderately patriotic American home [...]