Articles on Liturgy
““The celebration of Holy Mass has the same value as the Death of Jesus on the Cross.” St. Thomas Aquinas.
Redeeming the Time
When is New Year’s Day? Everybody assumes it is January first, but for centuries Catholics observed March 25 as the start of the new year. March 25 is the beginning of Spring, but in [...]
The Passionate Preacher
My Dad was always critical of my choice of major in college. “Speech and English?!” he’d shake his head, “Why don’t you do something useful like business administration?” The Vatican has recently advised seminarians [...]
Mass Has Ended Go in Peace
It's not always easy to understand and explain our Catholic faith, and the word “Mass” is one of the difficulties. Mass is the center of our worship, but what does the word “Mass” mean? [...]
The Sign of Bread and Wine
So often we attend Mass and take things for granted. Not paying attention, we miss the meaning and overlook the significance of the little things. The bread and wine are brought forward during the [...]
Lift Up Your Hearts
One of the most common stumbling blocks I encounter in Catholics’ ability to live their faith to the fullest is the inability to forgive. Not only do people carry grudges in their hearts, but [...]
The Living Word
This series on the liturgy was first written for Catholic Digest. This article about the Liturgy of the Word reminds us of John's gospel..."the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." Jesus’ sermon [...]