Those of you who read this blog will be pleased to know that I am bringing in a new feature: guest bloggers.

This blog-website is already much more than just a blog. It has an increasing amount of my archived material, a podcast dimension which will be expanded soon, a bookstore and a whole section of special stuff for Donor-Subscribers

Before long there will be another new feature: Guest Bloggers. Those of you who have been around for some time will remember that I already had “Guest Bloggers” like Mantilla the Hon, the Vicar, Todd Unctuous and Duane Mandible. Well, they seem to have been retired for some reason. I guess I ran out of steam writing those fun, satirical pieces.

Now we’re going to have some real guest bloggers. I’m inviting a list of eminent Catholic writers, bloggers and pundits to submit some of their material to be published here. These are going to be some big names, so I hope you will enjoy reading their insights and learn from their expertise.

In addition to that I would like to invite some new voices to be heard. If you would like to write and would like a chance to reach the thousands of people who read this blog worldwide, then send me an email telling me who you are, what you do and submit a sample blog post. I will accept submissions from writers who either have their own blog or who have been published elsewhere already. This is a chance to encourage new writing, new voices and evangelization on the new media.

Be in touch, but I will reserve the right to publish what I see fit, and if I think your writing is not up to scratch, then I’ll offer you a few hints and suggestions. If you are interested shoot me an email at

I think the Guest Blogger feature is going to work really well. It helps expand the content on the blog, helps introduce new readers and helps promote new voices.

I hope you like it, and who knows maybe some of those other “Guest Bloggers” will make the occasional appearance too.