The Daily Telegraph reports that the atheists have now raised enough cash to buy their own messages on London busses.
This seems very appropriate to me. You wait and wait for a bus, and soon you start thinking there is no such thing as a bus. People have told you there are these wonderful things called busses that whisk you off to the land of your dreams, but they are all deluded, sad people who have been brainwashed.
I have visions of the Almighty– in long shabby robes and a long shaggy beard roaming the streets of London with a sandwich board saying, “There’s probably no bus, now stop worrying and enjoy yourself.”
“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and, if true, is of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”C.S. Lewis
+JMJ+Ah, Father, that post is precious! You should win the Weblog Awards on the strength of that commentary alone.
You probably don’t have cancer. So light up another cigarette, inhale deeply, and enjoy.The inherent illogic of militant atheism is so stupid as to be utterly confounding. How one can answer the primordial question of ‘why is there something rather than nothing’ with ‘We’re not sure so let’s party’ is beyond me. Answering the question with an ‘allah akbar’ and chopping people’s heads off is equally stupid, I’m not sure which is worse.
I saw this a while back, and there was similar campaign here in the US for Christmas… horrible!-g-
Atheism in the West is feeling the pressure.
The premise of the ad campaign – I suppose – is that God & religion are burdens & stumbling blocks to true human freedom. The freedom offered by the world is a sick joke compared to the freedom found in Christ; it's not freedom at all, rather servitude to another, lesser, master. This is message that the West needs to hear.The tag line betrays it's origin. "Enjoy your life." It turns you in on yourself. Other people are only valuable to the extent that they are useful your own gain & pleasure. What a dreery message. I really don't know any cheery, happy-go-lucky atheists, but I know plenty of truly joyful & charitable Christians.Sorry, Father: I've been away from your blog for a while. I forgot how good it is. Thank you for your ministry.