If you have been following the recent posts you will be interested in the best book on the subject of C.S.Lewis and the Catholic Church.
Written by the excellent biographer Joseph Pearce, the book explores the great question, why Lewis never joined the Catholic Church. It delves into Lewis’ Ulster Protestant background, compares ‘Mere’ and ‘More’ Christianity and ends up looking at the state of Anglicanism today with the sobering soubriquet, ‘Mire Christianity.’
It’s a great book! Have a look!
As a post script, Joseph Pearce and his wife have today arrived at their new home in Greenville, South Carolina. I never guessed when I first met Joseph and started writing for his literary journal StAR (St Austin Review) that we would one day be neighbors, or that I would one day be his parish priest…and never in my wildest imagination did I dream that this would be on the doorstep of Bob Jones University.
God moves in a mysterious way.
I bet Mr. Pearce is also quite surprised at his own journey from neo-nazi to excellent Catholic writer and biographer. I just love when he talks on the Lord of the Rings.
I look forward to reading this book. I grew up Catholic but now am attending Falls Church(Anglican).Lewis is one of my favorite writers and I especially enjoyed Mere Christianity.
I was wondering why Joseph Pearce was a familiar name, turns out I’ve read a few of his articles over the last couple of years, and reviews of his books, if not the actual books themselves.What brings him to Greenville? Is he going to St Mary’s?
First congratulations on your ordaination…. Everyone seems to be moving to Greenville, SC. We live in Bethune, SC, go to church at St. Catherine’s in Lancaster.Reading Lewis moved me along a critical step in spiritual life long ago when I was in graduate school. Now my kids love the Narnia books-books I had never heard of growing up. Good to have Mr. Pierce in SCJim Curley
Mr Pearce and his family will be attending St Mary’s. He will still be teaching for one semester at Ave Maria University in Florida. The rest of the year he will live and work on his writing in Greenville.
Fr. Dwight,I read your bio and must say that I READ YOUR ARTICLES with great joy!! I love the stuff you write and am totally delighted that I have found you in blog form! Congratulations on your ordination…we are so fortunate to have you. God Bless and know that you are a very inspiring man.
I just stumbled upon your site (thanks to a friend of mine) and I immediately linked to it on my blog. I’ve traveled a similar journey (from Liberty Baptist College to Catholicism) and I’ve also had the distinct pleasure of reading many of Mr. Pearce’s books. May God richly bless you as you continue to do His work.
This is a FABULOUS book, one of the pivotal books read during my conversion. I can’t recommend it highly, or often, enough! Having read your profile, saved your blog to favorites, and now getting to spend some time reading, I must say you seem something of a kindred spirit! (After all, can anyone who loves Lewis and Tolkien be anything but?)What a treat to have Mr. Pearce in your parish!