doubtOf course. A good Catholic is engaged in his faith intellectually, emotionally and physically.

This article for Aleteia discusses the difference between legitimate questioning of our faith and doubting and disbelieving.

It’s the difference between a doubt and a difficulty.

A difficulty is an honest question. It is faith that is seeking understanding. Doubt is no faith that rejects any understanding and does not believe there can be an answer.

A difficulty in the faith occurs when a person is genuinely seeking an answer — either to a doctrinal question or a moral teaching. A difficulty is different from a doubt. A doubt is when a person says scornfully, “That can’t be true!” and a difficulty is when a person ponders and says, “How can that be true?” The first is a rejection of the faith. The second is an exploration of the faith. The first is a sin. The second is not.

Not only is a difficulty not a sin, but questioning the faith in the proper way is to be encouraged. Catholics should not be unthinkingly obedient religious devotees. We are not expected to be religious robots, but engaged and activated family members. Let’s face it, the things we are expected to believe and the ways we are expected to behave are not easy. I  therefore do not have a problem with Catholics who have difficulties. I have a problem with those who don’t have difficulties.

Read the whole article here.

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