Read the text of Pope Benedict’s new encyclical here.
For non-Catholic readers, a pope’s encyclical is a pastoral letter through which he teaches the faithful, corrects error and guides the church. If you are a non-Catholic reader of this blog, follow the link and read the encyclical. It would be great to have your comments and views.
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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this encyclical, especially his treatment of faith/hope, suffering, and Purgatory.Here’s a quote from paragraph 39: “For this too we need witnesses—martyrs—who have given themselves totally, so as to show us the way—day after day. We need them if we are to prefer goodness to comfort, even in the little choices we face each day—knowing that this is how we live life to the full. Let us say it once again: the capacity to suffer for the sake of the truth is the measure of humanity. Yet this capacity to suffer depends on the type and extent of the hope that we bear within us and build upon.”Its important to note that he is not just talking about Religious but all Christians are called to suffer for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
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That Pope just exudes holiness…
Oh i will remeber you in my prayers on my upcoming retreat…
I think this Encycical will be greatly appreciated by our separated brethren – it is so richly scriptural. Check out my humble blog for some thoughts…