Catholic Speaker

Now that I’m the Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary parish I am not as free to travel and speak as I have been. However, I am still able to speak to your group if we plan far enough in advance.

Speaking Topics

I speak on a variety of topics. Many groups ask me to tell how and why I went from being brought up in a very Evangelical home and attending Bob Jones University to became a Catholic priest. Others ask me to speak about particular apologetics questions or to engage in dialogue with Evangelicals about the key questions of the faith. Others ask me to deliver training seminars on evangelism and apologetics. I also speak on the historicity of the gospels. This is a great topic for young people who are facing questions about the faith and the reliability of the Scriptures. The speaking engagements I like most are parish missions. This is a great chance to meet ordinary Catholics and help inspire and enliven their faith.

Spiritual Hero Program

Before I was ordained I started a personal growth program called Ordinary Hero. In these seminars we we use film clips and the outline of the Hero’s Quest to help people make positive change in their lives. Now, as a Catholic priest I lead a similar program called Spiritual Hero.

Using Lord of the Rings and other exciting films, I explain how the Hero’s Quest can help direct people in their spiritual lives. This program makes an excellent presentation for a youth conference, parish retreat or special youth retreat.

Reach out

I enjoy getting out to speak to many different groups, and would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to know more about my availability.

People say my talks are inspiring, interesting and entertaining. I aim to keep people’s attention and discuss the topics at hand with a combination of an interesting style and solid content.

I do not have a set fee structure for my talks. Instead, I will listen to your needs and speak to your group according to your ability to meet my expenses or fees. If I am invited I ask permission to offer my books for sale as a way to recoup the expenses of my visit.

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