
American Literature and the Inklings

2017-11-21T17:45:23-04:00November 21st, 2017|Categories: The Inklings and Friends|Tags: , , |

It is impossible to trace the influence of the Inklings in American literature and culture not because the influence is so slight, but because it is so vast. J.R.R.Tolkien, C.S.Lewis and Charles Williams wrote books that bucked the trends of the times and so changed the world. English literature in the mid of the twentieth century [...]

Communicating with C.S.Lewis

2017-10-09T00:27:17-04:00October 8th, 2017|Categories: The Inklings and Friends|Tags: , |

  “Have you heard? Father Longenecker advocates having seances and communicating with the dead!” So it might be assumed from the title of this article: “Communicating with C.S.Lewis.” Am I really huddled over a Ouija board in a dark room muttering incantations to summon up the famous Oxford scholar? No. This article is not about seances [...]

Digory’s Severe Mercy

2017-10-05T10:27:42-04:00October 5th, 2017|Categories: The Inklings and Friends|Tags: , |

Those who are familiar with the biography of C.S.Lewis will recognize in his Narnia chronicle, The Magician’s Nephew a moving self portrait. The hero of the story is a boy named Digory. When he was ten years of age, Lewis watched as his mother slowly died from cancer. He wrote in Surprised by Joy, "With my [...]


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