This objective news report just in from MSM correspondent Todd Unctuous.
Pope Benedict XVI, the leader of the world’s Catholics, performed Mass today at a very large place in Anglola, Africa. The aging pope wiped his brow several times and seemed weak and very frail. The crowd was estimated at several thousand. Many people were there to hear the former member of Hitler’s Nazi youth speak about the evils of racism. The man his critics used to call ‘Nazi Ratzi’ has recently rehabilitated holocaust denying bishop Williamson. It has been said that the ‘PanzerPope’ disagrees heartily with Bishop Williamson and thinks that Bishop Williamson is wrong in his harsh critique of the much loved film The Sound of Music.
Wearing a flowing pink robe, and surrounded by men in lace gowns, the man his critics used to call ‘God’s Rottweiler’ spoke in his heavy German accent to the cheering Africans about the evils of homosexuality and told them not to use condoms. At the place where the Pope did Mass yesterday two girls were killed by the crowd. Lavinia Truck, the spokesperson for WEAC (We Are Church) said, “This Pope is very old. He is frail. He is obviously not infallible. If he were infallible he would have been able to stop those girls being killed. I went to Catholic school, and I know the dogmas. This is not an immaculate Pope.” Robert Mugabe, the leader of troubled Zimbabwe, said, “Like many American politicians. I too am a Catholic. I think this old white man should have stayed in Italy and gone to bed early with a good book and left Africans alone.”
Not all Catholics were critical of Pope Benedict’s visit. I spoke with a very nice African woman in her thirties who was mentally disabled. She said, “I like the Pope. They gave me more candy today.” A group of elderly women commented, “Today we have had a day off from the washing and collecting water. The Pope is a great man.”
Todd Unctuous is forty two.
GASP — Fr., is this for real??I’m dumbstruck. The disrespect they show him is astounding. His loathing and contempt isn’t even cleverly disguised. He’s no reporter, he’s an assassin.
This is one of my satirical pieces
Could have just as easily be real. Glad to know that you are just being “playful” again.
You had me worried for a minute there.
See – I knew those vestments were pink and not rose
I saw this reporter on CNN. I think he went to Notre Dame. AnneG in NC
Forsooth! Is that photo really you?
The photograph is one I gleaned from the internet. From now on it will represent one of my many alter egos–the dumb MSM reporter–Todd Unctuous
You really had me going, Fr.! I should know better…But I guess it seems so plausible given the hostility of the MSM, that I believed it!!I feel better now…
The fact that some people took this as a real report merely testifies to your ability as a satirist, Father.Though now I come to think of it, weren’t you just précising the reporting of most of the MSM (not least The Times, that sadly fallen former journal of record)? If anything, I think your piece erred on the side of understatement :)Pray for our Pope, who has to bear such assaults for real.
Very good, Fr. I love your satire and deadpan humor! I remember being the only person in my high school English class who enjoyed Jonathan Swift’s “And Indecent Proposal” and while I’m no scholar, your satirical entries always make me wish I’d studied satire more. (just like your references to great writers inspire me to want to read more great writings!)I have a question/ (complaint?!) about the new design. When I click on a particular entry from Google Reader, it takes me to that story’s page as it always did. In the past I would sometimes click the title to get back to your home page for the blog, but now I can’t, and I can’t seem to find a linky for that. So, say I sent or received a link for a particular story, now I can’t seem to find a way to get back to the front blog page.Sorry if that was clear as mud. Its been annoying me all this time so I thought I’d finally get it off my chest!
German family. We’re working on it.