More Christianity

More Christianity


More Christianity explores the fullness of the Christian faith in the Catholic Church. This is a friendly explanation of Catholicism for Evangelical Christians. Taking off from C.S.Lewis’ famous book with a similar name, More Christianity calls Evangelical Christians to come “further up and further in” to the Catholic Church.

(Note: copies purchased from this site are the first edition with a different cover)



Not “Mere Christianity” but “More Christianity”. This book explains how the Catholic faith fulfills and completes all that is good in Evangelical Protestant Christianity. It is a great book to share with Evangelical friends and family members.

Would C.S.Lewis approve? He was good friends with the devout Catholic J.R.R.Tolkien and later in his life was moving closer and closer to the Catholic faith. Maybe this book would have pushed him from the banks of the Tiber and he would have made the swim!



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