This report tells us how zealously ‘good Catholic mother and grandmother’ Nancy Pelosi wants to fund contraception and abortion in order to help the economy. How dumb is that? In the meantime here’s a report from Japan about a company giving their employees time off to go home and make babies instead of computer printers.
The culture of death people seem blind to the real facts regarding population in the developing countries. In most European countries as well as Japan, the birth rate is below replacement levels. Even in the USA the rate is not as high as it should be. Not only is this low birth rate going to cause huge economic problems with no one to support an aging population, but with the death of a new generation will go the death of a culture.
Furthermore, what would stimulate the economy more than another baby boom? The biggest blips in economic development over the last fifty or sixty years has followed the boomers. A larger population not only produces more production of goods and services, but also produces the demand for those goods and services.
Yet Nancy Pelosi and her dinosaur friends want more contraception and abortion? Who was it who gave the famous definition of insanity as, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Killing babies and having neat little one boy one girl families might bring short term prosperity, but it brings long term poverty and cultural suicide.
Hmmm, so, tell me, exactly what do you have to do or say to get excommunicated in this mean old Catholic Church? Anneg in NC
Pelosi… one of the Secret Weapons of the Prolife Movement. She just can’t not let us know what on her mind!And consider rising powers China and India…they wouldn’t be global players without their huge populations, but the US…well, there’re just too many of us.The world is turned upside down…but maybe it looks rightside up you’re Standing on Your Head.
MS Nancy would do well to look at Japan, a nation that has had legalized abortion for longer than the U.S. MS Nancy would further do well to check out a catechism of the Catholic Church, the Bible and then get herself to the confessional.I am praying for her and all of those in power…that they would come to embrace the culture of LIFE
Note from the abortion video on this blog who abortion most afflicts: minorities. Who are the minorities? Those with low social-economic status and little political power. In this country, they are Latinos, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, African Americans, Vietnamese etc. Then who will this legislation target? Them. The most malicious of deeds, glossed over by the misnomer of “Planned Parenthood” done in the name of charity. Does the minority really beg for these policies or is this the majority in their lack of faith and morals–since after all Pelosi is a self proclaimed Catholic–the majority deciding for the minority.
“MS Nancy would further do well to check out a catechism of the Catholic Church, the Bible and then get herself to the confessional.”Just guessing here, but in her Diocese perhaps confessionals have become as passe as Church teaching? If one doesn’t need to embrace Church teaching, then one doesn’t need the sacrament of confession, n’est pas?
“This report tells us how zealously ‘good Catholic mother and grandmother’ Nancy Pelosi wants to fund contraception and abortion in order to help the economy”Actually it is birth control, not abortion in the bill. It got killed- the bill that is.”In the meantime here’s a report from Japan about a company giving their employees time off to go home and make babies instead of computer printers.”Well, that is because the Japanese are amoung some of the most racist people on Earth. In the US, we let in foreigners. Whole “nation of immigrants” and melting pot.”In most European countries as well as Japan, the birth rate is below replacement levels. Even in the USA the rate is not as high as it should be. Not only is this low birth rate going to cause huge economic problems with no one to support an aging population,”If we had a growing population rate, the world couldn’t support us in…US population:300 millionMax population at US level:2.5 billionRate:1%Doubling Time:70 yearsTime until we run out:280 years.This is assuming no one else lives on Earth AND that consumption doesn’t increase. The actual numbers are significantly less. As long as we don’t pass 12 billion we should be good.”but with the death of a new generation will go the death of a culture.”We have dealt with the Irish, the Germans, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Africans, the blacks, the Scots, etc and they all become members of American culture and society. We will do it again and again. England is doing it to- there might not be “Britishness”, but immigranats are identifying with the UK.”Furthermore, what would stimulate the economy more than another baby boom? “It actually wouldn’t. Babies dont produce anything- they are a drain on the economy.”And consider rising powers China and India…they wouldn’t be global players without their huge populations, but the US…well, there’re just too many of us.”Not really. Most of those countries are poor peasents- the superpower status is due to the work of a small number (percentage wise) of middle and upper class.Not to mention that China and India have insane problems due to their population- running rivers dry, darkening the skies with pollution, etc. They can’t go on indefinately.”MS Nancy would do well to look at Japan, a nation that has had legalized abortion for longer than the U.S. “Actually abortion was legal until the 1830s in the US. Didn’t affect the birth rate.”Does the minority really beg for these policies or is this the majority in their lack of faith and morals–since after all Pelosi is a self proclaimed Catholic–the majority deciding for the minority.”Abortion is a voluntary procedure outside of the People’s Republic of China. It is a bit like commentating that welfare has a higher percentage of minorities. The reason is because poor people tend to have less access to contraceptives.