After four months of wearing my cassock and Benedictine scapular everyday as my work clothes, certain advantages and disadvantages have become apparent:

  • It looks smart
  • It really is more comfortable than a jacket
  • If your ermm, body shape fluctuates you have more expansion room
  • the pockets are capacious
  • It’s cool when you want it cool–you can wear shorts and T-shirt underneath
  • It’s warm when you want it warm–just wear warmer gear underneath
  • the high school kids generally think it cooler than a tab shirt etc.
  • it looks great with the big black cape I still have from my English days
  • the scapular makes a handy hotpad for getting things out of the oven
  • people in airports take notice
  • it is a sign of contradiction
  • a guy at the cash register at Office Depot asked about RCIA
  • The scapular makes you look thinner
  • it says ‘Catholic and proud of it’ in the Bible Belt
  • You are not mistaken for an Episcopalian
  • You can hide a sawn off shotgun underneath the robes
  • You can’t misbehave when wearing the uniform


  • They’re more likely to frisk you at the airport security… You might have a sawn off shotgun hidden up there
  • The scapular gets stuck in the car door
  • Personal errm…hygiene matters become more complicated
  • It can be tricky going up stairs
  • Like the Scotsman’s kilt–people wonder what you wear underneath
  • The cat thinks the scapular is a plaything
  • The children think the scapular is a plaything (it is treated as a train or blindfold)
  • You’re mistaken for a monk.
  • You’re not mistaken for a monk.
  • The scapular gets caught in the spokes of the motorcycle wheel–definitely not good–especially at high speeds
  • All those buttons….but I’m not cheating with one of those zip up jobs
  • People at airports take notice
  • You can’t misbehave when wearing the uniform