I’ve finally had the chance today to load three more article up to the Archived Articles section of the blog.

The main blog continues to be free of charge, but subscribers can access the ever increasing number of articles, blog posts and chapters from my books which I am loading to the Archived Articles section.

I hope to also begin a regular podcast on the Church History which will also be available to Donor-Subscribers. Donor Subscribers also receive a 15% discount on all books purchased through the website. They also receive membership to my mailing list if they wish. Go here to become a Donor Subscriber.

Today’s Posts are:

The Inklings in America – charting the influence of Charles Williams, C.S.Lewis and J.R.R.Tolkien on American literature and culture.

Murder and Mercy – The astonishing and moving story of Rudolph Hoess–the commandant of Auschwitz who was born Catholic, but repented and received last rites before his execution

Encounters with Angels – a long article about the reality of angels and the types of encounters we have with them.