Theology and Bible Study Articles
“The person who thirsts for God eagerly studies and meditates on the inspired Word, knowing that there, he is certain to find the One for whom he thirsts.” St. Bernard of Clairvaux
The Mystery of Mercy
Yesterday's post was about the Fear of God, but today spend a few moments meditating on the Mercy of God because God's Mercy and his justice are never separated. They are two sides to [...]
Mary Mother of God from Scripture
Tim Staples explains how the title Mother of God has it's foundation in Scripture. It all goes back to the story of the Visitation when Elizabeth calls Mary "Mother of my Lord." First, when [...]
Is Hell Highly Populated?
Having just finished Ralph Martin's excellent study on universalism, Will Many Be Saved? it leads me to wonder about this thing we call speculative theology. It seems to me that theologians may well speculate when sacred [...]
Joachim and Anna – Redemption’s Turning Point
In my own journey from Protestant fundamentalism to the Catholic Church the dogma of the Immaculate Conception was a stumbling block. I understood the doctrine--that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived in the natural [...]
The Blazing Trinity
I saw three rings entwined--one composed of smooth gold as clear as crystal and hard as diamonds. The second a circlet of thorns. The third was a ring of fire. But in saying they [...]
Did Pope Francis Preach Salvation by Works??
...and not just salvation by works, but universalism--that all will be saved? The Huffington Post has a screaming headline, Pope Francis says Atheists Who do Good are Redeemed, Not Just Catholics. Vatican Radio reports [...]