skeleton no evilIs anybody else as repulsed as I am by Cecile Richards with her tight face job, fake smile and phony sincerity?

In her latest interview with CBS (in which the interviewer basically threw her one softball after another) it is interesting that she has now dropped the line that Planned Parenthood does not make any profit on selling baby parts. That was disproven in today’s video. Why? The expensive PR handlers probably told her she can’t win that one.

She has dropped the line about the “tone” of the video. One video after another exposes that this is more than a matter of tone. The expensive PR handlers probably told her that was a mistake.

She has also dropped all reference to fetal tissue donation. Why? The expensive PR handlers probably told her that people find any kind of tissue donation from dead babies repulsive.

She has dropped all references to beneficial medical research. Why? The expensive PR handlers probably told her that medical research on dead babies sounds too much like Joseph Mengele

She has dropped all references to abortion. Why? Because the expensive PR handlers probably told her that the pictures of abortion on the videos come to mind now whenever the word abortion is used.

All she is left with is repeating the same few phrases: “This is a smear campaign by extremists. These videos are deceptively edited. This is an attack on women’s health. This is an attack on women.”

Meanwhile, irony of ironies– the Denier in Chief at the White House–if this article is to be believed–has lectured Africans on the foolishness of killing children to harvest their body parts. Apparently there is a tradition of capturing albino children, killing them and using their body parts for research–whoops, not research–black magic. Africans killing children to harvest body parts for black magic is a no no. Americans killing children to harvest body parts for research is called “women’s health care.”