Over at the podcast section of the blog a new podcast is posted in Conversations with Joseph Pearce. These conversations on literature, theology and culture were recorded for Augustine Institute and are available here for Donor Subscribers. In this episode Joseph asks me about five of my favorite poems. This discussion was really from the heart. These five poets and their work have influenced me probably more than most of the theology and spirituality I’ve read over the years. Why? Because a Christian poet melds the real world with the spiritual world and produces a synthesis that unlocks the mystery of the incarnation and God’s way of working in the world.

Go here to listen to this latest episode. For those of you who are enjoying this podcast series, you’ll be pleased to know that Joseph came over for lunch yesterday and we took the time to record three more episodes which will be released here and on his blog-website.

These podcasts are restricted to Donor Subscribers. Donor Subscribers receive a range of benefits by helping support this work with a monthly donation. This keeps most of the blog’s fresh content free for all readers and free from all third party ads. If you would like to know more about becoming a Donor Subscriber go here.  To view the range of podcasts available and learn more about them go here.

Donor Subscribers go here to listen to Five Favorite Poems in Conversations with Joseph Pearce.