Articles on Culture and Politics
“A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern. But what is the best that we can offer to those who govern? Prayer!” Pope Francis
What’s Killing American Catholicism – 4
Cut Off Catholicism vs. Continuous Catholicism In the midst of composing this series on what's killing American Catholicism I am not only reading George Weigel's Evangelical Catholicism and Sherrie Weddell's Forming Intentional Disciples but on the [...]
What’s Killing American Catholicism – 3
Sorry for the break from blogging, but parish and family life have been very busy this last week. What's killing American Catholicism? This is the third part of a series. The problems all begin [...]
What’s Killing American Catholicism – 2
I'm continuing a series on things that are destroying American Catholicism. They all begin with the letter 'C'--as does the solution to the problem. You can use the 'Categories' tool to pull up the [...]
What’s Killing American Catholicism – 1
Reading Sherry Weddell's excellent Forming Intentional Disciples is making me think about the American church and what ails her. Can anybody deny that there is a sickness in the body ecclesia? When 50% of Catholics vote [...]
The Decline of the Church in Britain
Whitby Abbey - "bare, ruined quires" Damian Thompson (who is probably one of the world's greatest journalists) write here about the decline of Christianity in Britain. The shrinking of those who identify [...]
Wake Up and Smell the Catastrophe
You know the theory that a frog put in a pan of water will stay there as the temperature rises and the poor thing doesn't sense the increase in temperature and eventually boils to [...]