The proposed new Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenville. SC

The proposed new Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenville. SC

Here is my latest article for Our Sunday Visitor on God’s blueprint for a beautiful and sacred church.

God is not “the Great Architect,” and he doesn’t deal in blueprints and building committees, but did you know God told us how to build a church?

It’s in the Bible. If we believe the sacred Scriptures are the inspired word of God, then we have to take seriously the passages in the Old Testament where God gives directions for building; first the tabernacle — that portable worship tent the Hebrews used during their wilderness wanderings, and then the temple in Jerusalem.

God gives Moses instructions for building the tabernacle in the Book of Exodus. The materials, dimensions and furnishings for the Hebrews’ portable worship tent are all prescribed.

Five hundred years later God instructed David’s son, King Solomon, to build the great temple in Jerusalem. Although Solomon’s temple was much more splendid than the simple tabernacle of Moses, it still followed the same divinely inspired pattern.

Go here for the whole article.