Four posts are added today to the ever expanding Archived Articles section of the blog. This section, as readers will know, is reserved to Donor Subscribers of the blog.

The posts are:

Ideologies, Ideas and Idols – When does Christianity turn into an ideology instead of a religion and what is an ideology anyway?

Peter Jackson’s Vision for Lord of the Rings – How Catholic are the Peter Jackson films? Did he understand Tolkein’s faith and did he weave it in successfully?

Traddies and Trendies considers the two extremes of American Catholicism and looks for a positive way forward without being mushy compromise

Conspiracy Theories: The Futile Attraction – this article considers the wacky fun world of conspiracy theories…but is there something darker going on?

Donor Subscribers help to support the hosting, maintenance, promotion and development of the blog. So, for example, the new podcast section which I have been expanding, requires some investment. I have been able to make this step because of the generosity of Donor Subscribers. These donations help to get my blog and podcasts out to an ever increasing circle of readers and listeners.

If you can afford the monthly donation-subscription please go here to learn about the various benefits and sign up. UPDATE: Until Nov 15 I’m having a new member drive. Sign up and receive a free book. Go to the Subscribe page to learn more.