I don’t suppose anyone has noticed that Ive been away,  but the hungry beast of the blog has noticed my absence…

The blog beast has been growling for his supper of regular content. But I’ve been away leading a wonderful pilgrimage to the Holy Land–which I intend to blog about next week.

But in the meantime, here are five posts to join the ever increasing archived material available to Donor Subscribers. Remember to use the Categories selector in the right sidebar to read piles of my archived articles from various newspapers, websites, magazines and journals I have written for over the years. Donor Subscribers help keep most of the the blog posts and podcasts not only free to thousands of listeners and readers, but also free from all advertising.  To learn how to become a Donor Subscriber go here.

So here are five newly archived posts:

Exalting the Strange and Homely – the baptism of C.S.Lewis’ imagination. What is it that set Lewis’ great brain on fire for God? Read this article to discover.

Redeeming the Time is a simple article written for Catholic Digest explaining the church calendar and the need for us to claim our time as a gift and tool from God.

Catholics and Anglicans Together? an article that traces the history of the ecumenical progress between Anglicans and Catholics–beginning with the heady optimism of the 1960s and reflecting on the pessimistic present state of the relationship.

Encouraging the Christian Hero outlines the classic hero’s quest in stories and movies and applies it to the spiritual life.

Nuns of Nones? a short article that examines the lack of faith in the younger generation and offers a classic solution.

I’m full of energy and ideas for this blog and my work proclaiming the gospel through the new media.

So what do I have in mind? Here’s a list:

  • The sex abuse crisis in the church: I’ll be commenting on it of course, but I want to do so in a way that encourages a positive attitude. Not a lot of gossip and complaining, but ideas on what each one of us can do with what we have where we are.
  • More podcasts: After I complete Triumphs and Tragedies I may produce another history series on the English Reformation.
  • More podcasts in “Stories of the Unexpected”
  • I’ll be launching “True Fairytales” a podcast in which I simply tell a story. This will be great for you to listen to with kids and grandkids and to discuss the meanings.
  • I’ve been working on a podcast novel called Renegade Priest. I hope to get this launched in the fall.
  • The usual blog posts on this and that and the other.
  • A new level of Donor Subscribers which includes podcasts only.
  • A free e-book offer
  • Starting a YouTube channel

Stay tuned, and if you would like to help with the maintenance, production, promotion and hosting of the blog and podcasts, please sign up as a Donor Subscriber. To check out the benefits and how to subscribe go here.