pro life

Infanticide in Germany

2012-09-27T19:09:32-04:00September 27th, 2012|Categories: Catholic Culture|Tags: , |

A woman in Germany has been found guilty of killing five of her newborn babies because their existence would have endangered their lifestyle and standard of living. The news is here. So what's new? Around the world millions of children are killed for the same reasons. It's just that they are killed before they are born. [...]

The Erosion of Freedom

2012-06-22T08:25:45-04:00June 22nd, 2012|Categories: Apologetics|Tags: , , , , |

On this feast day of St Thomas More we do well to remember that the Tudor Revolution in England (sometimes given the euphemistic term: Reformation) was not immediately violent and catastrophic. It began with Henry VIII and his counsellors deciding that the church courts should not deal with cases of civil law. In the Middle Ages [...]

Abortion, Cannibalism and Black Magic

2012-05-22T09:20:18-04:00May 22nd, 2012|Categories: Catholic Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

What does abortion have to do with witchcraft and black magic? Everything. Today human fetuses are roasted, dried, crushed and turned into pills which supposedly boost male virility. This story isn't really new. It was reported a few years ago for the first time and the rumor confirmed by DNA tests. This form of cannibalism is [...]

America and Molech

2012-05-11T11:07:41-04:00May 11th, 2012|Categories: Catholic Culture|Tags: , , , , |

Understanding the Sins of Sodom in a post some time ago made for some pretty grim reading from the Old Testament. If you have the stomach for some even harsher language and more shocking imagery--but which reads like yesterday's newspaper from our society take a look at Ezekiel chapter 16. You thought Sodom was bad, the [...]

Abortion as a Blessing?

2012-04-12T09:31:25-04:00April 12th, 2012|Categories: Anglican Matters|Tags: , , , , |

This article that a Planned Parenthood clinic is organizing 40 Days of Prayer for Abortion is shocking, but should not be. Remember that the majority of mainstream Protestant denominations are now "pro-Choice" and an increasing number of Evangelical churches that used to hold firm on abortion are silent or operate a "don't ask don't [...]


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