I realize I have been away from regular daily blogging for some time. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, I had a stroke last January and my typing skills are still not up to speed. It is a nuisance as my mom taught me to touch type when I was in Junior high and it has been one of the greatest life skills as my writing work developed.

But despite this I have also been busy with other writing projects. I completed my autobiography which I hope a publisher will pick up. I also completed The Way of the Wilderness Warrior  for Sophia institute Press and completed my full length novel Renegade Priest.  So I have not been idle!

This morning I am on my way to Jerusalem where I will be spending two months on sabbatical. I’ll be staying at the famous Ecole Biblique–the French Dominican House of Studies where most of the first work was done on the Dead Sea Scrolls. While there I hope to do some research on the Bethlehem Shepherds with the idea that I might write a companion book to my Mystery of the Magi.

In addition to this I look forward to spending Holy Week and Easter in Jerusalem and a friend named Chris Landfried has put me in touch with the folks with whom I can take part in Holy Week and Easter liturgies. I am very much looking forward to this, and also looking forward to writing a “jerusalem Diary” here on my blog.

I hope you will come here to the blog to follow my adventure!