Shawn Tribe reports on moves from one of the Anglican ‘continuing’ churches to establish ‘sacramental unity’ with Rome.

I can’t keep up with all this. Traditional Anglicans are already welcome to establish ‘sacramental unity’ with Rome. It’s called being received into full communion with the Catholic Church a.k.a ‘becoming a Catholic.’

In a comment Fr. Newman points out that the head honcho of TAC is himself a former Catholic priest who went Anglican and got married, and that one of the main obstacles in receiving a group en bloc is that the marital situation of every individual would have to be examined, and most Anglican groups have abandoned any kind of traditional marriage discipline long ago, so many of their members will be in their second or third marriages.

However, by ‘sacramental union’ maybe TAC aren’t looking to come into full communion with the Catholic Church, but want their orders to recognized.