Go here to listen to the latest episode of my podcast channel Conversations with Joseph Pearce.

In this installment Joseph and I discuss the importance of story, myth and narrative for presenting the gospel. The Bible is a collection of “faith stories” and it is vital to keep the story of faith alive and not reduce it to merely doctrine or a set of rules and regulations. Stories incarnate the truth and faith stories incarnate the work of God the Word in the world.

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Please note that there is now a new level of Donor Subscriber. Because of the pandemic and fewer people attending retreats, parish missions and conferences I’ve introduced an online teaching and fellowship channel. This is a place to receive online teaching from me along with time for discussion and fellowship. This is accessed through the new “Promotion” level of Donor Subscriber.

Donor Subscribers at the “Promotion” level will have personal invitations and access to my new live stream teaching and fellowship content. I’ll be kicking this off later this month with a six week “Deep Dive” into the sources for my new book Immortal Combat: Nietzsche, Scheler, Girard etc. As we move forward I have plans for other discussion, teaching and fellowship content around my interests of apologetics, literature, liturgy, the Magi and Benedictine spirituality. If you’d like to learn more about the new “Promotion” channel go here. If you are already a Donor Subscriber this link will also explain how you can get access to the new teaching and fellowship content.

Go here to listen to my latest conversation with Joseph Pearce.