Do you remember the perennially nine year old Caitlin O’Rourke who chattered in one long run on sentence? Now that I’ve got my own blog-website I think she is going to make a come back.

I feel her standing at the door of my imagination knocking to come in.

One of the features of the section for Donor-Subscribers will the the “Alter Egos” where the old posts from guest bloggers like The Vicar, Duane Mandible, Todd Unctuous, Mrs Brady Catholic Old Lady and Mantilla the Hon will re-appear.

Any new contributions they make will be here on the free main section of the blog.

If you don’t know Caitlin or would like to be reminded of her irrepressible and irreverently reverent form of Catholicism go here. She’s sharing her experience of a very special statue of the Infant of Prague.

To do so you’ll have to become a donor subscriber, but why not go ahead and subscribe. It’s only $8.95 a month. That’s less than $2.25 per week for full access to all the parts of the blog-website. Your subscription helps keep annoying ads out of here, helps cover costs of design and hosting and contributes to the Longenecker kids college fees…

Go here to become a Donor-Subscriber