I’ve been thrilled with the launch of my new website-blog so far.

The feedback from readers has been excellent, and the generous Donor Subscribers have encouraged me to blog more and expand the offerings here to an ever wider readership.

You can help with this by sharing posts on social media and helping to spread the news.

So what are the plans for Standing on My Head in 2018? Here is what will be available free for all readers:

  1. The alter egos will return. The Vicar and Mantilla the Hon (who is now Mantilla the Nun) have already made an appearance, but I feel in my bones the others will soon return, and one or two others are gestating in my upside down brain. There is a guy called Lamar Sconce who is a pick up truck driving, good as gold Southern Baptist Trump voter….
  2. Daily blog posts and links to good stuff across the net
  3. Re-treads and links to ten years worth of archived material over at Patheos.
  4. Links to my homilies from Our Lady of the Rosary as podcasts.
  5. Posts which stand things on their head with something called common sense Catholicism.

Donor Subscribers will have access to more material:

  1. Archived Articles section. I’ll continue loading material that was published elsewhere not only on the Catholic faith, but also on film, architecture, the arts and literature.
  2. Discounts on books purchased from my website.
  3. Discount on this year’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
  4. A new feature: a monthly “Grab Box” where I will offer freebies to Donor Subscribers. January’s Grab Box is coming up this week.
  5. Podcasts – I have some ideas for really exciting podcasts-not comment or teaching like most podcasts, but original stories. These will be free for Donor Subscribers, but others can purchase them.
  6. Regular offers on discounts from publishers and web providers. The first one of these was a 25% discount on Dr Taylor Marshall’s New Testament certificate course at the New St Thomas Institute.
  7. A weekly online retreat at The Suburban Hermit. My old Suburban Hermit blog is now transferred to this blog-website and is available in the Archived Articles section to Donor Subscribers. I’ll be posting a weekly Benedictine Retreat there starting soon.

Thanks for reading, and lets hope this new year is the best ever for the New Evangelization through the New Media!

Click here if you would like to learn how to become a Donor-Subscriber