It seems some Protestant churches are offering confession to their faithful. Here’s the report from London’s Daily Telegraph.

Before I became a Catholic I can remember a good Protestant lady once saying to me, “Well, you know those Catholics just go and confess their sins, and then turn around and do the same thing again and again.”

I paused for a moment and said, “But isn’t that what you do too?”

I hope more of our separated brethren do start practicing confession, I also wish more of our Catholic brethren would do the same.

The most important thing about confession is that, by definition, (unless you’re lying to yourself) the mere act and fact of confession means that you’ve admitted that you’re not totally right about everything, you’ve got it wrong, and as soon as you get to that point you are able to receive grace, learn something and make some progress. Within the confessional other worlds open. Grace is huge and eternity beckons.

Head for the confessional! Like the stable in Narnia, it’s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.