Alleluia!! Happy Easter Father, to you and yours!The celebration of the Lord’s Death and Resurrection this weekend unscrewed the lid on a veritable can of worms for our family , regarding our death one day and where we’ll end up afterwards. We had a lively debate initiated by my 19 year old son about:-1. Who get’s into to Heaven and why? (Are Mother Theresa’s good works of more value than the everyday committed Catholic doing his best to follow Christ’s teachings?) 2. Are there different stratas is Heaven, where the faithful will be placed according to their good works?(eg, would Mother Theresa be placed closer to God because of her Saintliness?)3. What about people of other faiths eg, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindu’s who do not accept Jesus as their Saviour? How will they be judged?4. What about the ‘chosen’ 4400?? (I know not what this is about!)5. What of those lapsed Catholics/former Catholics/non Catholics who reject God’s plan for Salvation?My inadequate theological and philosophical knowledge left me feeling frustrated as his questions were sincere and challenging, but pointed. Added to this my husband and I promptly discovered that we have differing ideas on what Heaven’s all about, which left us at a disadvantage to say the least, in our attempts to answer his questions adequately.Please enlighten us Father!
Alyson, I will write a post on this to answer you questions, but I would also suggest that you read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It’s all in there…
He is Risin Indeed, Amen
Happy Easter to you and your family…
Alleluia!! Happy Easter Father, to you and yours!The celebration of the Lord’s Death and Resurrection this weekend unscrewed the lid on a veritable can of worms for our family , regarding our death one day and where we’ll end up afterwards. We had a lively debate initiated by my 19 year old son about:-1. Who get’s into to Heaven and why? (Are Mother Theresa’s good works of more value than the everyday committed Catholic doing his best to follow Christ’s teachings?) 2. Are there different stratas is Heaven, where the faithful will be placed according to their good works?(eg, would Mother Theresa be placed closer to God because of her Saintliness?)3. What about people of other faiths eg, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindu’s who do not accept Jesus as their Saviour? How will they be judged?4. What about the ‘chosen’ 4400?? (I know not what this is about!)5. What of those lapsed Catholics/former Catholics/non Catholics who reject God’s plan for Salvation?My inadequate theological and philosophical knowledge left me feeling frustrated as his questions were sincere and challenging, but pointed. Added to this my husband and I promptly discovered that we have differing ideas on what Heaven’s all about, which left us at a disadvantage to say the least, in our attempts to answer his questions adequately.Please enlighten us Father!
Alyson, I will write a post on this to answer you questions, but I would also suggest that you read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It’s all in there…