If you want a good laugh read this ridiculously self righteous and stuck up article from New Yorker.

The author, David Peipenbring, is an anxious snowflake who feels threatened by Chick-Fil-A opening up more and more restaurants in New York city.

He’s biting his nails over their Christian ethos:

New York has taken to Chick-fil-A. One of the Manhattan locations estimates that it sells a sandwich every six seconds, and the company has announced plans to open as many as a dozen more storefronts in the city. And yet the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism.

The headline reads, “Chick-Fil-A’s Creepy Infiltration of New York City”

The poor little chap is wetting himself because Chick-Fil-A actually offers people good food in a pleasant surrounding and that they give lots of loot to the poor.

Defenders of Chick-fil-A point out that the company donates thousands of pounds of food to New York Common Pantry, and that its expansion creates jobs. The more fatalistic will add that hypocrisy is baked, or fried, into every consumer experience—that unbridled corporate power makes it impossible to bring your wallet in line with your morals. Still, there’s something especially distasteful about Chick-fil-A, which has sought to portray itself as better than other fast food: cleaner, gentler, and more ethical, with its poultry slightly healthier than the mystery meat of burgers. Its politics, its décor, and its commercial-evangelical messaging are inflected with this suburban piety.

What a snob! He’s the sort of fellow who will say, “I can’t believe Chick-Fil-A is the country’s second largest restaurant chain. I don’t know anybody who eats there…”

He winds up his hissy fit commenting on the cows in Chick-Fil-A’s marketing campaigns:

“People root for the low-status character, and the Cows are low status. They’re the underdog.” That may have been true in 1995, when Chick-fil-A was a lowly mall brand struggling to find its footing against the burger juggernauts. Today, the Cows’ “guerrilla insurgency” is more of a carpet bombing. New Yorkers are under no obligation to repeat what they say. Enough, we can tell them. NO MOR.

You should read the whole piece. It’s a hoot, and it only goes to show again how cut off the coastal elite of America are from ordinary Americans.

One of the more serious aspects that the article reveals is the sense of dread and rage that an openly Christian company should even be in existence. Every time atheist New Yorker see that Chick Fil A is closed on Sunday a Christian statement is registered. Good for Chick -Fil-A. Think what it would be like if more Christian business owners and employees did the same.

“I’m sorry boss. I can’t work on Sundays…”

I’m glad Chick-Fil-A has invaded New York City, and I’m glad about their Christian witness and I’m glad millions of New Yorkers are happy to eat their decent food in a decent environment.

I gotta go. It’s supper time and I need a chicken sandwich with waffle fries…