Soon after we entered the full communion of the Catholic Church I started an email exchange with an old friend from my Bob Jones University days. David and his family had started attending an Evangelical Episcopal church and we discussed/argued about religion by email.

Eventually I suggested to David that we might have a book waiting to be put together.

He was game so we focussed our discussions on the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mary-A Catholic-Evangelical Debate was published by Brazos Press.

That book was well received and eventually sold out. The rights returned to me and David as authors, and some time ago David said he was happy for it to be re-published.

If I do say so myself, this really is the best book to help Protestant friends, family and neighbors understand both Catholic beliefs about Mary and Protestant objections to those beliefs.

The new edition is now called Our Lady? A Catholic Evangelical Debate and it is self published and available only through my website. Go here to learn more.

What Peter Kreeft said about Our Lady?

“There is simply no other book in print that explores this most immovable impasse between Protestants and Catholics in a way that both uncompromising Evangelicals and Catholics can wholly applaud. Clear, honest, mutually respectful uncompromising and illuminating.”

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