On his blog Fr Longenecker has a host of "guest bloggers". These alter egos are a range of eccentric and hilarious characters who liven up the blog and always reveal wise and witty aspects of the Catholic faith. The Rev'd Humphrey Blytherington is one of these alter egos. A bumbling Anglican country vicar--he is a lovable nitwit who always seems to get the wrong end of the stick. The Vicar of Great Snoring is a full length short story available as an e-book here for $2.99 on Kindle.
For many years Fr. Longenecker has written poetry as a hobby, and this is his first collection of verse. The poems spring from his life as a priest both in England and in South Carolina. They are simple, subtle and understated. The poet observes the ordinary world and reflects on the deeper hidden meanings that lie within.
It's easy to win an argument and lose a soul... This collection of Fr Longenecker's apologetics essays covers a wide range of subjects. Each one empowers the reader to learn more about the Catholic faith while also learning the winsome way of apologetics--not arguing but pointing the way. Go here to order the hard copy.
Soldiers of the Great War Write to Therese of Lisieux...
This remarkable collection of letters from French soldiers fighting in the Great War is an abiding sign of the little saint’s supernatural powers. She said on her deathbed, “I will spend my heaven doing good on earth” and she wasted no time! These letters from brave young soldiers tell how she appeared to them, how she miraculously protected them, delivered them from danger, healed them and encouraged them in battle.
Austin Fairfax is a young college student who is set a challenge by his parish priest--to embark on an adventure to learn the Way of the Wilderness Warrior--the way of spiritual maturity in Christ. His quest leads him to the hermitage of an amazing old monk who takes him step by step on the spiritual hero's quest.
It's easy to win an argument and lose a soul... This collection of Fr Longenecker's apologetics essays covers a wide range of subjects. Each one empowers the reader to learn more about the Catholic faith while also learning the winsome way of apologetics--not arguing but pointing the way. FREE SHIPPING! Go here to purchase the e-book version.
Father Longenecker’s long awaited conversion story is out now! There and Back Again tells the story of Fr Longenecker’s upbringing in an Evangelical home, his years at Bob Jones University, then his trek to England, Oxford and ordination as a minister in the Church of England before his reception into full communion with the Catholic Church and his eventual return to the USA to be ordained as a Catholic priest. "There and Back Again is unflinching and tremendous, yet it preserves the enchanting innocence of someone simply in love with the Lord. Honest, provocative, and full of plot. Father Longenecker has that rare ability to defend the faith and tell a good story at the same time." — Tyler Blanski, Author, An Immovable Feast "Frank, forthright, and utterly captivating, Father Longenecker chronicles his quest for truth from his youth to his ordination to the Catholic priesthood. I couldn't put it down. It touched every emotion." — Johnnette Benkovic Williams, Founder and President, Women of Grace "Written by a master storyteller, this highly engaging work tells of the Hound of Heaven's long, adventurous pursuit of Father Dwight. Told with robust wit and poignancy, Father Longenecker's story reveals the life-changing reasonableness of the Catholic faith." — Dan Burke, President, Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation "This is more than an autobiography. It's a spiritual epic. There's war and peace. There's wisdom and whimsy. Above all, there's love. Thank God Father's story isn't over yet. We need another volume—at least." — Michael Warren Davis, Author, The Reactionary Mind; Contributing Editor, The American Conservative "Father Dwight has written one of the most comedic conversion stories I've ever read. His thoroughly enjoyable autobiography is a rollicking read. Best read wearing a smoking jacket, with pipe and scotch in hand." — Marcus Grodi, Host, EWTN's TheJourney Home "Father Longenecker is such a fine writer that his story has the riveting pacing of a good novel. It is full of the good humor that is the fruit of true humility and shines forth in the spirit of irrepressible joy with which he takes the road to Rome. It is this indomitable joy, the mark of the true disciple, that makes the reading of this book such a joyride." — Joseph Pearce, Author, Faith of Our Fathers: A History of True England