Film and Television

Film and Television2017-11-13T01:23:07-04:00

Articles on Film and Television

“What are we holding onto, Sam?” Sam: “That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Monkey See Monkey Do

July 12th, 2014|Tags: |

Terry Notary is the man behind the mask in the new film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.  He is a Hollywood "movement coach" and this fascinating article from London's Daily Telegraph goes [...]

Charles Ryder

February 19th, 2008|

If Lord Marchmain holds in himself all of the Flyte offspring, a friend has pointed out that Charles does as well. Sebastian the degenerate is in Charles. Julia the adulterer is in Charles, Bridey [...]

The Villain of the Piece

February 19th, 2008|

Is divorce a crime? One of the greatest aspects of Brideshead Revisited is to observe the results of Lord Marchmain's abandonment of his family. He claims on his deathbed that 'We were fighting for [...]

The Case for Cordelia

February 15th, 2008|

Consider Cordelia. Her faith is just as certain as Bridey's, but it is faith from the heart and faith in action. What are Cordelia's virtues? She not only has a sense of humor, she [...]

The Case Against Bridey

February 14th, 2008|

I must first make it clear that I actually like Bridey. He's affable enough. He's a comic character, and is not an apparently evil person. He doesn't do anything wrong as such...and there lies [...]

Lord Sebastian Flyte

February 12th, 2008|

This is precisely what Sebastian does: takes flight. Why is the poor boy (who has everything) on self destruct? One of the greatest things about Brideshead Revisited is Waugh's uncanny portrayal of the dynamic [...]


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